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Join us for worship!
The people of St. James gather every week at 9:00 AM for worship together around Word and Sacrament. All are welcome to gather, to hear God’s Word, and receive communion at Jesus’ table.
If you have questions about attending worship please reach out to Pastor Rebecca.
What can I expect?
Worship typically lasts one hour and consists of confession & forgiveness, singing hymns, Scripture readings, children's message and sermon, prayers, offering, and Holy Communion on the 1st and 4th Sundays. We often worship singing hymns led by organ and piano, and other times we sing more contemporary music led by guitar.
Do you have children's church?
We believe it is important for the tiny humans to worship right along side the adults! Pew bags and worship activities can be found outside the Sanctuary entrance. There is also a children's message during worship and a time for kids to collect a "noisy offering." Kids can get a cup from the front and walk around during offering to collect loose change for various local and global missions. A nursery is located in the back of the Sanctuary with rocking chairs, changing pad, diapers & wipes, a crib, and toys that can be used at any time! During worship, we welcome all the various noises, giggles and cries that accompany young people. PreK-6th grade Sunday School follows worship at 10:00am
For more info on St. James Children & Youth, visit our Education Page.
Where should I park?
You may park anywhere around the church on the street. There are some spots reserved directly in front of the building for accessible parking as indicated by signs (please approach from the North to use these spots.)
Where should I go?
As you come in, please use the front door (on Main Street.) A greeter should be nearby to direct you in the right direction!
What should I wear?
Some people dress up, others keep it casual. You are welcome to come as you are!
How can I learn more about life at St. James?
To learn more about life at St. James, you are encouraged to send a message here or by calling the church office to set up an appointment at 319-267-2274.